Cancellation of the 2024 3ccr Event

Further to our last e-mail in January, we have very reluctantly decided that we have to cancel the 3CCR event scheduled for 2 June 2024. This decision has been forced on us by a combination of several significant and unforeseen developments this past month. 

Members of the 3CCR Committee are already working hard to develop arrangements that will secure the long-term future of this popular event. We are now endeavouring to organise the next 3CCR event for a Sunday in early June 2025. 

The 3CCR Committee has lost a number of experienced members in recent years. For us to organise the event for next year we now need new volunteers with the time and energy to assist the Committee, which meets once a month in the Bracknell area for around 1-2 hours. So we are reaching out to you, our cycling enthusiasts, for support. We are looking for people who have general organisational skills. In particular we have a need for volunteers with experience in:

  • Risk assessment
  • Financial control (treasurer)
  • Project management
  • Word processing and spreadsheet skills (who will support the IT manager)

We are also looking for volunteers to help on the days leading up to the event to place and recover 3CCR signs setting out the course and others to assist with the registration of participants on the day of the event. 

If you are interested, please contact us and in the Subject dropdown, select 3ccr Volunteer. 

Many thanks for your continued support and understanding. We wish you all happy and safe cycling this summer. 

Best regards the Three Counties Cycle Ride Committee